Bystander Magazines
Your local informative monthly guide
A-Z Business Listings
Land Family Business, 01480 445490, www.landfamilybusiness.co.uk
W H Peacock, 01480 474 550, www.peacockauction.co.uk
PJP Architects, 0780105464, www.pjparchitect.com
Art, Framing, Artists, Crafts, Ceramics, Hobbies
David Osborne Motorbike Spares, 07979 500900
Engraved by Elle, www.engravedbyelle.co.uk
Grafham Coins, 01480 811227
La Cote D'or Antiques, 01480 861587
The Framery, 01480 860086, www.theframery.co.uk
Building Services/Home Maintenance
Donna the Tiler, 07712 431337
GAP Home Improvements, 07935 002610, www.gaphomeimprovements.co.uk
Garolla Garage Doors, 01480 630081, www.garolla.co.uk
Handyman, 07770 373800
R&D Maskey, 01234 825015
Still & Sons, 01480 869042, www.stillandsons.co.uk
Taylor Stilton, 01480 860047
The Home Handyman, 01480 861898
Business Networking
Three Shires Networking, 07788 558964
Computer, IT Services & Web Design
iEdit, 01480 860519, www.iedituk.co.uk
Newport Bookkeeping Services, 07519 352933, www.newport-bks.co.uk
Oxygen IT, 01480 390395, www.oxygen-it.co.uk
Silver Websites, 07340 234555, www.silverwebsites.co.uk
Social Beans, 07808 020554, www.socialbeans.co.uk
Domestic Services
Andrew Blair, Carpet Cleaning, 07867 499792
C Major Change, 07584 279228, www.cmajorchange.co.uk
Home ‘n’ Dry, Carpet Cleaning, 01487 840310
Saints Chimney Sweeps, 01832 293809, www.saintschimneysweeps.co.uk
Sweeping Tom Ltd, 07990 561874
Inn Farm Day Nursery, 07802 826798. www.innfarmdaynursery.co.uk
Little Stars Nursery, 01480 860324, www.greatstaughton.cambs.sch.uk
One2One Tuition, 07803 504631
Playtimes Spaldwick, 01480 890077, www.playtimesplaygroup.co.uk
Riseley Primary C of E School, 01234 708218, www.riseleyschool.co.uk
Electrical Goods/Services
Aircon Tom, 07402 745802
DAC Services, 01234 709347, www.daveclarkplumbingheating.co.uk
Domelec, 07912 092985, www.domelec.uk
LCS Energy, 01480 470064, www.lcsenergy.co.uk
Selec Solar, 01480 400607 www.selecgroup.com
Estate Agents/Letting Agents/Property
Carr Estate Agents, 01832 778800, www.carrestates.co.uk
Peter Lane & Partners, 01480 860400, 01480 860400, www.peterlane.co.uk
Top Hat Projects, 07814 709320, tophatprojects.co.uk
Financial Advisers
Beacon Wealth Management, 01480 869466, www.beaconwm.co.uk
Funeral Directors
Crowsons, 01832 272269, www.crowsonstobyhuntfd.co.uk
Regency Funeral Directors, 01480 75940 www.regencyfuneraldirectors.co.uk
Gardening, Landscaping/Design/Tree Care/Mowers
Eden Tree Specialists, 01234 960796, www.edentreespecialists.co.uk
JD Tree Surgery, 07745 378268
Manor Farm Tree Care, 01832 293225
General Stores/Farm Shops
Budgens, 01480 860582, www.robinsonkimbolton.co.uk
Grafham Village Store, 01480 810119, www.grafhamvillageshop.co.uk
Handpicked Wine Box, www.handpickedwinebox.com
Top End Stores, 01234 376426, www.topendfarm.co.uk
Whitchurch Wines, jeff@whitchurchwines.co.uk
Courtyard Beauty, 07922 678843
Grafham Water Sailing Club, 01480 810478, www.grafham.org
Jill Dighton, 07925 852985, www.jilldightoncounselling.co.uk
Rosie's Salon, 07733 482359
The Nest at 53, 07778 024564
Kitchen Culture, 01480 861822, www.kitchenculturecambridgeshire.co.uk
Music (Music Lessons, Music Shop)
Instrumental Tuition: Carol John, 01234 708029
Pets/Petcare Services /Equine
Top End Stores (Animal Feed) , 01234 376426, www.topendfarm.co.uk
Plumbers & Heating Engineers
Anglia Oil Tanks, 01638 662955, www.angliaoiltanks.co.uk
Boiler Juice, www.boilerjuice.com
DAC Services, 01234 709347, daveclarkplumbingheating.co.uk
Hill Heating, 01480 890929
Hydroflow, 07917 176375, www.hydroflow-uk.com
LCA Maintenance Services Ltd, 01234 266220, www.lcamaintenance.co.uk
Phaf Kimbolton, 07300 296926
The Flying Foodie natasha@flyingfoodie.co.uk
The Pheasant Keyston, 01832 710303, www.thepheasantkeyston.co.uk
The Wheatsheaf Perry, 01480 810253, www.wheatsheaf-perry.co.uk
Solicitors/Legal Services/HR Services
Eisop, 07480 166533, www.eisop.com
Hunt and Coombs Solicitors, 01480 702207, www.hcsolicitors.co.uk
Financial Advisers & Financial Services
Beacon Wealth Management, 01480 869466, p.33
Storage - Great Staughton, 07753 638948
Fun with Santa, 01480 812598
Once In A Lifetime Holidays, 07961 884183, www.onceinalifetimeholidays.co.uk
Vehicle Services/ Vehicle Care/Cars/Caravans
Robinsons, 01480 860581, www.robinsonkimbolton.co.uk
If you're interested in becoming one of our listed businesses - either in our magazine from just £38 a month, or on our website for just £5 a month, please contact us on the details below.
Editor: Julie Tose
Mobile: 07928 778457
Email: julie@villagebystander.com
Where We Deliver
Village Edition (4600 copies):
Kimbolton, Spaldwick, Catworth, Covington, Tilbrook, Stow Longa, Great Staughton, Little Staughton, Hail Weston, Pertenhall, Swineshead, Keysoe, Keyston, Grafham, East Perry, West Perry, Easton, Ellington, Brington, Leighton Bromswold, Old Weston, Stonely, Upper Dean, Lower Dean, Shelton, Hargrave, Yelden, Melchbourne, Bythorn & Riseley.

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